Welcome! I’m glad you’re here.

I understand the struggle of chronic health issues and have so much empathy for all of you who are lost right now. I struggled for years with mystery illnesses, Epstein-Barr Virus, unexplained symptoms and unknown toxicity overload. I was let down time and time again by allopathic doctors and made to believe that my symptoms were all in my head. I knew, deep within myself, that their diagnoses were not addressing the root cause of my issues and took matters into my own hands. I sought out alternative modalities such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, naturopathic doctors, applied kinesiology, Ayurveda, herbs, essential oils, therapy, energy healing and lymphatic drainage work. I researched and didn’t stop until I got answers. With all of the research I did, I was able to begin stripping the layers of these chronic issues back and truly begin to heal. With the help of my many guides, I gained the strength and confidence to step into my own power and integrate my body’s healing wisdom.

I know how it feels to be lost, searching for a guide to help you heal, so I became an Integrative Health Practitioner to empower women to take their health to the next level.

I enjoy working with women throughout pregnancy and postpartum, as well as pre-conception planning and fertility. I believe that there has been a lack of emphasis on pre-conception preparation and detox, leading to children who are sick from birth due to heavy toxic burdens on their tiny bodies. I have a passion for helping women and families address the root causes of their chronic health issues and taking back their power that has been lost to the mercy of their illnesses.

With all of the knowledge that I have accumulated on my healing journey, I would love to walk with you on yours.